Saturday, December 18, 2010

FSOW (Favorite Song of the Week)

More like favorite song of the year. It's just that good, especially the bridge. Only in my opinion, of course :) Someday I'm gonna see these people live.....someday.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Desert Photoshoot

The desert can be a great backdrop for portraits. After years of hating the desert I have finally grown to like it, and now I see how pretty it really is. My cousin Kinsey and I went over to a nearby mountain and had a great time taking portraits of each other. Here are my favorite shots:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Film Camera Adventures

I've decided that film cameras are awesome. Even if they don't give you the immediate gratification of knowing what your picture looks like, it's even more exciting to look at them all after they are developed. A couple weeks ago I tried out a film camera for a few days, and I didn't really know what to expect. What I see through the lense isn't necessarily what the camera produces, which made it even more exciting to see how all the pictures turned out. I went on a few adventures with the camera, and a lot of the pictures turned out better than I expected!