Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jar of Hearts

Christina Perri is a newly-discovered singer, all because of "So You Think You Can Dance?" and I REALLY love this song: "Jar of Hearts." The guy in the video = a Dementor.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sandra Day O'Connor

I am taking a 7 week photography class at the Art Institute of Phoenix, and today the class met at the Heard Museum to take pictures. While I was wandering around taking pictures, my teacher walked up to me and asked me, "do you know who Sandra Day O'Connor is?" and I replied with, "yeah, my school?" Not realizing that she was talking about the actual person. She pointed out to me that Sandra Day O'Connor was signing books right behind me, so I managed to get a few pictures of her. She is an extremely nice person!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Senior Picture Photoshoot

 I took my friend Taylor's senior pictures, and I think they turned out pretty good!